One day on the river, when we noticed all our kayaks were so many bright colors, we decided to call ourselves the Skittles. We start in the spring on a pond or lake, where we’ll check gear, and review paddling and safety skills. We then start with easier river sections, usually the lower Madison, Jefferson and Missouri. As the summer progresses, we will move to the Yellowstone and upper Madison. The Skittles invite you to come have fun on the rivers and enjoy the company of fellow women adventurers!
Contact Persons:
Dawn dawn.inman@icloud.com
Barb btlantz@yahoo.com
Paddling Checklist
2024 Skittles Waiver – this waiver needs to be signed and returned to Dawn or Barb before you kayak with the group
Top 5 Kayak Safety Rules for Beginners
Reading the River
How to Spot Those Pesky Rocks
How Kayak – Paddle Education
Solo Kayak Loading Hack
How to Tie a Kayak to a Roof Rack
Kayaking in Windy Conditions
How to Throw a Throw Bag
How to T-Rescue