Monday short-day and medium-day hikers normally meet at the Museum of the Rockies (MOR) lower parking lot. Long-day hikers typically meet earlier, and at different locations than the MOR. The groups may also pick up other hikers at a designated location on the way to the trailhead. It is important to note that the meeting sites and times may be different each week depending on the direction to be traveled, length of the drive and distance of the hike. Although a tentative schedule is posted on this website, weekly emails will inform hikers of changes known in advance, or the plans may change at the meeting place based on weather, trail conditions, etc. If you are interested in hiking on Mondays, it is important to get on the Monday email list by contacting Debi so that you will get the most up-to-date information.

June through October:

Every week during this time there will be a choice of 4 different hikes, specified as S, M, L or P (Short day, Medium day, Long day, Progressive). The tentative schedule, which includes pertinent information for each hike, (length, elevation, elevation gain, drive time, etc.), will be distributed to Monday hikers in May. It is every hiker’s responsibility to review the information for any hike of interest and consider their timeline and skill level before deciding on which hike to do. Hikers should also research the specific trail information and route in advance…..many of the hikes have Resources listed and most can be found by Googling the trail name. Trail conditions should be considered during the mud season in the spring or at any other time when trails are muddy.

BWAGs should carpool with others who have the same hiking timetable/skill level and should always return with the same driver unless other arrangements are made before the hike begins. Wear comfortable but sturdy hiking boots, use hiking poles, sunscreen, sun hat, plenty of water, insect repellent, first aid supplies, bear spray, snacks and lunch and have personal emergency and medical information in your pack. Be prepared for thunderstorms, snow, and changing weather, including a dramatic drop in temperatures, by having appropriate layers of clothing available.

November through May:

No schedules are posted during the off-season, but many BWAGs still meet at the MOR or other designated location to hike, ski or snowshoe, based on conditions. For the most part, activities and destinations are determined at the meeting place, but occasionally hikes are decided in advance and participants are notified of the plans via email. Since only a subgroup of the summer hikers participate in BWAG winter activities, emails are only sent to those who have indicated that they are interested.

If mild fall weather continues into November/December, hiking will continue and hiking boots should be adequate, but also bring extra warm clothing, snacks, plenty of water, ice/snow grippers, snowshoes, rain gear, gaiters and sunscreen. As the temperatures get colder, always be prepared for weather changes. When there is sufficient snow for XC skiing and snowshoeing, additional items may be necessary. Follow the general guidance as for hiking in terms of timeline, skill level, carpools and trail research.

Additional Information:

Car pooling is strongly encouraged and passengers are expected to help the driver with gas expenses….the amount depends on the length of the drive to the trailhead, number of passengers and fuel prices.

Newcomers are welcome! Contact Debi ( to join BWAGs and receive the new member information. After joining BWAGs, you can contact the coordinators on the Group Contacts page to get on the email distribution list for other activities and days you are interested in.