Monday Hiking/Skiing/Snowshoeing

October through May

We plan to leave MOR at 9 AM every Monday morning unless previous plans have been made by the group. Destinations for the hikes are for the most part determined in the MOR parking lot but occasionally hikes are decided a week ahead of time and everyone is notified via email of the plans.  If mild fall weather continues, hiking boots will work just fine. Please bring extra warm clothing, snacks, plenty of water ice/snow grippers, snowshoes, rain gear, and sunscreen as weather gets colder. Be prepared for weather changes. We do not meet if the temperature is zero or below.

Activities are hiking, x-c skiing, or snowshoeing, whichever is appropriate for prevailing weather and/or terrain conditions.

June through September

Beginning Mondays in June, Monday hikers leave the Museum of the Rockies (MOR) parking lot located on Kagy Blvd. at 8:30 AM.  A schedule will be posted in the late spring. BWAGs should carpool with others who want the same hiking timetable and have similar hiking experience.

The Monday BWAG email list of hikers will be notified of any changes prior to a scheduled hike. Occasionally after the group leaves MOR, there may be a rendezvous with other Monday hikers at predesignated places like the Fish Technology Center, Trail Creek or the Four Corners area and then we carpool to a trailhead.

Wear comfortable but sturdy hiking boots, use hiking poles, sunscreen, sun hat, plenty of water, insect repellent, some first aid supplies, bear spray, snacks and lunch. Be prepared for thunderstorms, snow, and changing weather including a dramatic drop in temperatures so have appropriate layers of clothing available.

Monday Hikes: Lists with Schedules

Additional information

Car pooling is strongly encouraged and passengers give the driver $2-4 depending on the length of the drive to the trailhead.

Annual dues are $10 and are collected in the spring. At the October luncheon, the Treasurer reports on income and BWAG donations to organizations that have helped BWAGs during the year.

Newcomers are welcome!

Contact Debi Herren, for details.

Maintained by BWAGs